Celebrities Who Are Definitely Not Endorsing Donald Trump For President In 2024

There's a lot of bad blood between Alec Baldwin and Donald Trump, two people who are probably as near human foes as you can get nowadays. Baldwin played a not exactly kind variant of Trump on SNL on and off somewhere in the range of 2016 and 2020, while the previous president went through those years tweeting contemptible things about Baldwin. Following Baldwin's awful mishap on the arrangement of Rust Trump said:
He's a cuckoo-bird. He's a screwball. Also, for the most part, when that's what there's someone like, you know, as I would see it, he had something to do with it.
While talking with George Stephanopoulos, Baldwin answered:
I contemplated internally, right when you feel that things can't get more strange, here's the previous leader of the US saying something on this sad circumstance.

Specialists Value, a creation organization laid out by entertainers Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, scrutinized previous President Donald J. Trump for utilizing sound from their film Air in a mission video that was transferred web-based toward the beginning of June 2023.
The video, which included a discourse from the film playing close to photographs and recordings of Mr. Trump all through his life, was shared on Truth Social.
This video was posted alongside a solicitation for gifts, soon after Mr. Trump was officially accused of government offenses. The charges against him incorporate unlawfully holding grouped public safety records subsequent to passing on office and discouraging endeavors to bring them back. An assertion from Affleck and Damon read:
We had no premonition of, didn't agree to and support or endorse no recording or sound from Air being reused by the Trump lobby as a political ad or for some other use.
Jimmy Kimmel

Late-night moderator Jimmy Kimmel has every now and again condemned Donald Trump. Kimmel has alluded to Best as the "most idiotic criminal on the planet" and communicated his conviction that Trump is a "significantly moron." Kimmel expressed:
He doesn't have the best words. He is definitely not a steady virtuoso. That psychological capability test he's continuously boasting that he passed? This is the sort of thing the typical 7-year-old could pass.
Meryl Streep

During her lifetime accomplishment grant discourse at the 2017 Gold Globes, Meryl Streep tipped into then-president Donald Trump, expressing:
There was one execution this year that dazed me. It sank its snares in my heart. Not on the grounds that it was great, there was no positive aspect regarding it, yet it was powerful and it took care of its business. It was that second when the individual requesting to sit in the most regarded seat in our nation imitated an impaired correspondent. Somebody he outclassed in honor, power and the ability to retaliate. Hollywood is slithering with pariahs and outsiders and assuming we kick them full scale, you'll have nothing to watch except for football and blended combative techniques, which are not human expression.
Bruce Springsteen

In a 2020 meeting with The Atlantic, demigod and political dissident Bruce Springsteen took a stand in opposition to then-president Trump, saying:
I don't think anyone really knows where we're going from here yet. It relies upon an excessive number of questions. We don't have the foggiest idea where the Coronavirus infection will take us. We don't have the foggiest idea where People of color Matter will take us at this moment. Do we get a genuinely commonsense discussion rolling about race and policing and eventually about the financial imbalance that has been a stain on our common agreement? I accept that [Donald Trump] is a danger to our majority rules system. He basically makes any sort of change that a lot harder. I couldn't say whether our vote based system could stand an additional four years of his custodianship. These are existential dangers to our majority rules system and our American lifestyle.
Stephen Colbert

Big names Who Are Most certainly Not Underwriting Donald Trump For President In 2024
By Sophia Maddox | July 7, 2023
Alec Baldwin
The forthcoming official political decision is warming up, leaving a gap in our most intense voices - superstar electors. While there are a few stars who stay mum on who they're deciding in favor of, the entertainers, performers, and sports stars included here have been unbelievably vocal about how they'll decide in favor of anybody yet previous president Donald Trump.
Superstars as incomprehensibly different as Samuel L. Jackson, Chrissy Teigen, Bruce Springsteen, and Cardi B have all voiced their disappointment with the previous president, so most would agree that not a single one of them will be going red in 2024. Have these stars informed how you vote, or could you rather they simply stick to engaging? We welcome you to dive further into the contemplations and assessments of these eminent big names in regards to the forthcoming 2024 official political race.
There's a lot of bad blood between Alec Baldwin and Donald Trump, two people who are probably as near human foes as you can get nowadays. Baldwin played a not exactly kind variant of Trump on SNL on and off somewhere in the range of 2016 and 2020, while the previous president went through those years tweeting disgusting things about Baldwin. Following Baldwin's disastrous mishap on the arrangement of Rust Trump said:
He's a cuckoo-bird. He's a maniac. Also, normally, when that's what there's someone like, you know, as I would see it, he had something to do with it.
While talking with George Stephanopoulos, Baldwin answered:
I pondered internally, when you feel that things can't get more dreamlike, here's the previous leader of the US saying something on this sad circumstance.
Baldwin's certainly not casting a ballot red in 2024.
Ben Affleck and Matt Damon
Craftsmen Value, a creation organization laid out by entertainers Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, reprimanded previous President Donald J. Trump for utilizing sound from their film Air in a mission video that was transferred web-based toward the beginning of June 2023.
The video, which highlighted a discourse from the film playing close to photographs and recordings of Mr. Trump all through his life, was shared on Truth Social.
This video was posted alongside a solicitation for gifts, soon after Mr. Trump was officially accused of government offenses. The charges against him incorporate unlawfully holding grouped public safety reports in the wake of passing on office and discouraging endeavors to bring them back. An assertion from Affleck and Damon read:
We had no prescience of, didn't agree to and support or endorse no recording or sound from Air being reused by the Trump lobby as a political ad or for some other use.
Jimmy Kimmel
Late-night moderator Jimmy Kimmel has habitually scrutinized Donald Trump. Kimmel has alluded to Best as the "most idiotic criminal on the planet" and communicated his conviction that Trump is a "significantly imbecile." Kimmel expressed:
He doesn't have the best words. He is certainly not a steady virtuoso. That psychological skill test he's continuously boasting that he passed? This is the kind of thing the typical 7-year-old could pass.
Meryl Streep
During her lifetime accomplishment grant discourse at the 2017 Gold Globes, Meryl Streep tipped into then-president Donald Trump, expressing:
There was one execution this year that staggered me. It sank its snares in my heart. Not on the grounds that it was great, there was no positive aspect regarding it, however it was compelling and it went about its business. It was that second when the individual requesting to sit in the most regarded seat in our nation imitated a debilitated journalist. Somebody he outclassed in honor, power and the ability to retaliate. Hollywood is creeping with untouchables and outsiders and assuming we kick them full scale, you'll have nothing to watch except for football and blended hand to hand fighting, which are not artistic expression.
Bruce Springsteen
In a 2020 meeting with The Atlantic, hero and political extremist Bruce Springsteen stood in opposition to then-president Trump, saying:
I don't think anyone really knows where we're going from here yet. It relies upon such a large number of questions. We don't have any idea where the Coronavirus infection will take us. We don't have any idea where People of color Matter will take us at the present time. Do we get a genuinely reasonable discussion rolling about race and policing and at last about the financial imbalance that has been a stain on our common agreement? I accept that [Donald Trump] is a danger to our majority rules government. He just makes any sort of change that a lot harder. I couldn't say whether our majority rule government could stand an additional four years of his custodianship. These are existential dangers to our vote based system and our American lifestyle.
Stephen Colbert
In light of the previous president's declaration that he's campaigning for the most noteworthy position in 2024, Stephen Colbert kidded:
[Trump's speech] was a particularly faltering occasion, even his family didn't show... Beginning to end, this declaration was a regrettable, sluggish word ruin toward Snoozeville. He didn't ride a solitary elevator, and during what little I watched, I thought: I have seen nothing more troubled in my life.
Jack Black

While talking about the 2022 mid-term decisions with The Slope, The Super Mario Brothers. Celebrity proceeded to talk about Trump's 2024 run, expressing:
He must run since he's likewise taking off from himself and his pile of claims. Once more, on the off chance that he can win, to him, he's presumably thinking, 'Gracious, then, at that point, that will delete the time that I lost. I'll be a victor once more!' So it'll be unnerving. In any case, toward the day's end, what's more upsetting are individuals that help him. What's more, in a manner I don't for even a moment truly think he accepts all of that disdain talk that he's doing, I believe he's functioning the group and he knows how this is going. He's sort of splendid at sorting out what individuals need to hear and simply talking about [it,] and it's unnerving that individuals need a pioneer like that. I don't view him as causing the entirety of that disdain. I see him as utilizing the disdain that is all's as of now there.
Reese Witherspoon

As per CNN, Reese Witherspoon contributed $2,500 to Representative Kamala Harris' 2020 official mission. Also, CBS revealed that she gave $2,700 to Hillary Clinton's mission in 2016. It's dicey that she would pull a turn around and vote Trump in 2024.
George Lopez

This cherished Mexican-American professional comic has a lot of bad blood for previous president Trump. In 2020, one of Lopez' kids about killing Trump circulated around the web and prompted an examination by the Mystery Administration. Beside that, in 2016, Lopez tweeted an animation picture of previous Mexican president Vincente Fox supporting the executed top of the previous president alongside the subtitle "Make America Extraordinary Once more." It's protected to wager that Lopez won't be changing his vote any time soon.
Paul Stanley

Paul Stanley, the lead vocalist of the band KISS, condemned Donald Trump because of as of late delivered sound accounts. These accounts caught the second when the previous President compelled Georgia's Secretary of State to find casts a ballot that would change the result of the political decision and refute his misfortune to President-elect Joe Biden.
Stanley composed on Twitter:
This is Loathsome. A genuine risk to our vote based system. The issue isn't that it WON'T work. It's Crowd Supervisor conduct and legislators putting party over reviews, examinations, court decisions and COUNTRY with an end goal to overrule the desire of American citizens.
Chrissy Teigen

Chrissy Teigen has been in conflict with the previous president from well before he was chosen in 2016. The previous model has been employing her Twitter account against Trump for a really long time, however in 2023 her tweet considering Trump a "p- - - - a- - b- - - - " became a web sensation after it was raised during the House conservative's hearing on Twitter.
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