Voddie Baucham Discusses Biblical Justice, Masculinity On Latest ‘Sunday Special’

Daily Wire Editor Emeritus Ben Shapiro discussed biblical justice and masculinity with Dr. Voddie Baucham, a Christian pastor and author, on the latest episode of “The Sunday Special.” 

Baucham, the dean of theology at African Christian University in Lusaka, Zambia, spoke with Shapiro on the biblical view of social justice and how woke ideology has taken over some Christian churches. 

“When you have weak and faulty worldviews and then seductive language, and then you have leaders with unclear voices, you end up in the mess we’re in,” Baucham told Shapiro, pointing out that many Christians did not use critical thinking when discussing terms such as “social justice.” 

As Baucham explained, Christians believe in God’s justice, which is “the righteous and equal application of God’s law, but not equal outcomes.” In 2021, Baucham wrote a book dealing with the subject called “Fault Lines: The Social Justice Movement and Evangelicalism’s Looming Catastrophe.”

Baucham was raised by a single Buddhist mother in South Central Los Angeles and had tendencies toward black nationalism before he converted to Christianity, which he said completely changed his worldview. He said he was converted after coming to realize that he was a sinner and needed redemption after a man came up to him and shared the gospel. 

Shapiro and Baucham also discussed the crisis of masculinity across the United States, with many young men seeming to struggle to find purpose. 

“We have to call men back to this understanding of manhood that is outside of themselves. And you being a man is not just about who you think you are or even who you want to be. It’s about you pointing back to the one who made you. It’s about you pointing back to the purpose for which [God] made you,” Baucham said. 

He added that the result of the war on marriage and traditional roles left women unprotected because it left men unchecked. 

Baucham explained that young men need mentors to help point them to the “God who made them, and to point them to Christ who wants to redeem that manhood. Christ who is the ultimate picture of manhood.”

After visiting Zambia for many years, Baucham moved there in 2015 to help form African Christian University, which focuses on training students with a Christian worldview and the humanities.

Shapiro asked Baucham about how he responded to people who object to belief in the Bible and God on an intellectual level. Baucham said he would challenge their presuppositions, saying they also needed faith to get where they were.

Their “presuppositions have been tried before and they’ve led to catastrophe. My [worldview] is based on presuppositions as well, but my presuppositions have led to Western civilization,” Baucham said.

Shapiro’s full conversation with Baucham can be watched here


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